When you’re ready to talk, We’re here for you.
Tēnā Koe E Hoa. We’re So Glad You Found Us
Our ŌCASA team is available to support everyone, so please contact us via phone call, voicemail, email or the support form here.
We’re a non-profit community organisation run by a group of trained and dedicated professionals.
We are committed to providing free, confidential, trauma-informed and holistic support to all people aged 16 years and over on the journey towards healing. This can be for survivors of sexual abuse, as well as whānau, friends, parents and communities. We also provide community sexual violence prevention and education.
All staff in ŌCASA’s Survivor Support Team are specifically trained to work in the sexual violence sector. Wherever you’re at in your journey, please feel welcome to reach out to our team today.

Need Help Right Now?
Are you in immediate danger?
OCASA Support Line
Please leave a voicemail if they line is busy
Let Us Contact You
If you’d prefer us to reach out to you,
feel free to leave us your details.

Level one, Dunbar House
21 Dunbar Street
Dunedin Central, Dunedin 9016
PO Box 5424, Dunedin
Our office is on the first floor, up a flight of stairs. Please contact us if you would like to speak about accessibility to our space.
Support line: (03) 474-1592.
*Please leave a voicemail if the line is busy.
Email Support Here
Admin line: (03) 470-1109
9am - 5pm Weekdays