Our Values

Our Mission
To eliminate sexual violence and address its impacts on survivors and the wider community.
Our Values
- ŌCASA recognises, promotes and advocates for every person’s right to bodily autonomy and informed consent.
- ŌCASA commits to challenging patriarchy and is guided by feminist principles.
- ŌCASA endeavours to achieve equitable access to supports and services for all people.
- ŌCASA will develop and maintain a trauma informed organisation.
- ŌCASA supports survivors of sexual violence without favour or prejudice.
- ŌCASA favours collaborative relationships.
- ŌCASA promotes respectful and open communication.
- ŌCASA embraces bicultural practice and affirms our responsibility to uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- ŌCASA endeavours to preserve a sense of safety for clients using our service.

Level one, Dunbar House
21 Dunbar Street
Dunedin Central, Dunedin 9016
PO Box 5424, Dunedin
Our office is on the first floor, up a flight of stairs. Please contact us if you would like to speak about accessibility to our space.
Support line: (03) 474-1592.
*Please leave a voicemail if the line is busy.
Email Support Here
Admin line: (03) 470-1109
9am - 5pm Weekdays